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LCCC Designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year Education

The National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have designated 利哈伊碳社区学院 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year Education (CAE2Y). 该指定将持续到2023学年. 这意味着LCCC现在在网络防御领域占有一席之地.

CAE Seal国家网络安全学术卓越中心(NCAE-C)项目的历史

In 1999, the National Security Agency (NSA) launched the Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE-IAE) program. Under this program, an institution could receive the CAE-IAE designation if it passed rigorous curriculum and program requirements.

LCCC is one of 10 higher-education institutions in Pennsylvania with this designation and the only community college.

Higher education plays a key role in addressing the critical shortage of professionals with the skills to contribute to the protection of the National Information Infrastructure. NSA and DHS partner with academic institutions to enhance cybersecurity education nationwide and to develop the next generation of cyber security experts. Prospective schools are designated after meeting stringent CAE criteria and mapping curricula to topics such as cyber threats, data analysis, cryptography, policy, ethics and more.

These criteria are common to all of the four-year institutions that have earned this designation and should allow LCCC students increased transfer opportunities to some of the nation’s top universities.

While many cybersecurity jobs are open to students who attend an accredited cyber degree program, the additional designation helps to ensure that they are studying concepts and practices deemed important by two of the largest employers in the cybersecurity world: the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

National Cyber League


LCCC的学生包括银牌选手Joanne Nacipucha, 胡安·帕拉莱斯和约书亚·乌尔米(如图), 以及阿灵顿贝尔大学, Malik Camacho, Langston Hollomon, Timothy Lehman, Garrett Stinnard, Dominique Totani, 伊桑·威廉姆斯和加布里埃尔·格拉夫伯格. 乌尔米是LCCC的最高得分者.

Cyber Security Lab

LCCC’s Cyber Center

Susan Miner
Phone: 610-799-1029

Phone: 610-799-1050

National Cyber League


LCCC的学生包括银牌选手Joanne Nacipucha, Juan Parrales和Joshua Urmy, 以及阿灵顿贝尔大学, Malik Camacho, Langston Hollomon, Timothy Lehman, Garrett Stinnard, Dominique Totani, 伊桑·威廉姆斯和加布里埃尔·格拉夫伯格. 乌尔米是LCCC的最高得分者.


LCCC与计算机科学咨询委员会协商, 哪个是我们机构的重要组成部分. 这个小组致力于计算机科学领域. 委员会由一群经验丰富的专业人员组成, experts, 以及计算机科学行业提供战略指导的领导者, support, and oversight to ensure that the computer science programs and initiatives offered by the institution remain relevant, competitive, 并与不断发展的技术景观保持一致.

The primary objectives and responsibilities of a 计算机科学谘询委员会 typically include:

  • Curriculum Development: The committee collaborates with academic faculty and administrators to review and update the computer science curriculum, 确保它结合了最新的行业趋势, emerging technologies, and best practices.
  • 计划改进:委员会成员努力确定计划改进的领域, 包括新课程的引进, projects, and research initiatives that prepare students for the challenges and opportunities in the field.
  • 行业参与:通过他们广泛的行业联系和知识, 委员会成员帮助建立和加强与科技公司的伙伴关系, startups, 以及研究机构. These partnerships can facilitate internships, co-op opportunities, and job placements for students.
  • Research and Innovation: The committee may support and guide research initiatives within the institution, offering insights into the most promising areas for research and helping secure funding for research projects.
  • 专业发展:通过分享他们的专业知识和见解, 咨询委员会成员可以为教职员工的发展做出贡献, 确保教育工作者紧跟行业发展.
  • 学生和校友参与:委员会可以参加活动, mentoring programs, 以及与学生和校友交流的就业服务. This helps in understanding the needs and concerns of those pursuing careers in computer science.
  • Industry Trends and Forecasting: Advisers keep the institution informed about emerging technologies and trends, 哪些可以指导战略规划和资源分配.
  • Quality Assurance: They provide an external perspective on the quality and effectiveness of the computer science programs and suggest improvements as needed.
  • Networking Opportunities: The committee creates opportunities for students and faculty to network with industry professionals, 促进联系和协作.

计算机科学咨询委员会的集体知识, industry insights, and commitment to innovation make them invaluable in ensuring that the institution remains at the forefront of technological advancements and that graduates are well-prepared for successful careers in all fields of the computer science industry.


Cybersecurity games and activities are an excellent way to study and learn about cybersecurity in a way that is fun and interactive. 以下是比赛, free games, 以及可以增加知识和技能的活动:

Crack the Code 

Crack the Code – It’s that time again. 编码时间已经到来! 每个人都指望你展示你的大项目,但看起来你被黑了! 你的死对头侵入了你的电脑并接管了你的程序. 你得破解密码才能拿回来. 提供所有代码的截图,你破解获得信用


Cybermission -这不仅仅是一个游戏,这是对你的网络技能的考验. 打败每一个阶段,你就配得上终极挑战. Hungry for more? 探索组成国家精英军事网络战团队的角色.

Cybersecurity Jeopardy

Cybersecurity Jeopardy -学习网络安全概念的危险风格.


网络安全知识测验 -参加我们的10个问题测验,测试你对网络安全主题和术语的了解.

CyberStart Go

CyberStart Go, 想解决一些免费的网络安全难题,试用一下CyberStart? 在实习生基地找到与CyberStart Go类似的挑战.

Data Center Attack

Data Center Attack – A choose your own adventure style game where you play the role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) making decisions for a hospital. Game starts out with a worst case scenario and then rolls back time so you can play the main character as they attempt to setup security for the hospital.


Interland is an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice.

Living Security

Living Security – Creates Online team-based training on Cybersecurity that creates an engaging gamified experience for all levels of employees.


picoCTF gamifies learning hacking with capture-the-flag puzzles created by trusted computer security and privacy experts at Carnegie Mellon University.

PBS Cybersecurity Lab

PBS Cybersecurity Lab -将网络安全掌握在自己手中. In this Lab, you’ll defend a company that is the target of increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. Your task is to strengthen your cyber defenses and thwart the attackers by completing a series of cybersecurity challenges. 您将破解密码,制作代码,并击败恶意黑客.


目标攻击:游戏,你在驾驶席上. 你是一家名为the Fugle的全球性组织的首席信息官, 即将发布首个生物识别认证移动支付应用. 你将引导这个项目度过最后阶段, 和你的内部安全团队打交道, 你市场部和公关部的同事,当然还有你的CEO. 基于旧的“选择你自己的冒险”书的格式, the game offers you the chance to step into someone else’s shoes and find out if you’re good enough to come out on top. 你会做出正确的决定吗?

The Weakest Link -任何组织的安全都取决于你自己. Play the game!

University of Texas A&M

University of Texas A&M -每年德州运动家协会&M Division of Information Technology creates a campus-wide IT security game for National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Check out their games!